A Mother’s Wisdom

#inspiration, letter, wisdomWhen I was a teenager, my mother wrote me a letter. I was confused. Why would she hand me written words instead of just talking to me? She smiled and said it was some thoughts she wanted to share and this way I could go back and reread them at any time.

I honoured her by taking and reading the letter but didn’t think the contents were valid. To my credit, I didn’t share those thoughts with her!

Looking back, I see the wisdom in her plan. I was nineteen, ready to leave home and thought I knew everything about life I needed to. Spoken words wouldn’t have been as effective as I probably would have disregarded them.

Basically, my mom told me that I was the only one responsible for me. People would come and go in my life and my self-worth couldn’t be based on the opinions of others. I was the only one who would always be with me. The lesson was to follow my conscience and do what I knew was right.

Sadly, I haven’t always followed this advice. There have been times I’ve tried to make someone else responsible for my happiness. I soon learned that is an unreasonable burden to place on anyone.

Blaming others for leading me astray was easy. Far more difficult was to admit, even to myself, that I had a choice as to my actions. When I chose poorly, it was my fault, not that of anyone else.

The older I get, the more I appreciate the simple wisdom of a mother who only wanted the best for me. I have learned over the years that I am responsible for my own experience. Thanks, mom.

“The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up”. John C. Maxwell

Speaking Without Words

words, non-verbal“Am I being mean?” I asked. The response I received was, “No, it’s just another form of communication.”

You see, the woman in front of me in the aquafit class kept backing up. There was no room for me to move without crowding someone else. I was sure it wasn’t intentional and knew I’d been guilty of the same thing on occasion.

Two of us had gently pointed out her roaming and it seemed rude to keep asking her to move. Instead, I chose a non-verbal method of communication. I splashed more as she got too close! This proved to be effective at moving her forward again.

It is said that only 7% of our communication is verbal. I started looking for other examples of this.

On the far side of the pool, two young children danced with abandon to the music playing in the facility. It was easy to tell they were happy and carefree.

Have you ever taken one look at a friend and known there was something wrong? I’d just experienced that. I looked at someone, saw great sadness and gave him a hug. Non-verbally he had let me know he was hurting and I let him know I cared.

We speak with our eyes, our facial expressions and our body movements. My tone of voice can also convey a meaning quite opposite to my words.

If I can read this in others, they must be able to do the same when looking at me. Knowing this, I wonder; is my non-verbal communication keeping people from getting too close or drawing them near?

Awards and Obedience

Jesus, inspiration, gift, words“Congratulations,” the email began. It went on to say that my book Dragonflies, Snowdrifts & Spice Cake had been short listed for a national award. The press release said The Word Awards honour the best of Canadian Christian writing. I was in awe to learn my book is a finalist in the Inspirational/Devotional category.

Immediately tears sprang to my eyes as I thanked Jesus for what he has done in my life. You see, it was only a few short years ago that I was persuaded not only to start writing but to share that writing with others.

Looking back I can see the gentle nudges Jesus had given me for many years. I resisted because I didn’t feel I had the ability to be a writer. When I realized that I just had to be willing to let him work through me, things changed.

I took my little gift of obedience to him and he has magnified it in ways I never could have imagined. Inspiration and the words to express it do not come naturally for me. Jesus has given me the desire to write and placed me with those who have mentored and encouraged. When I share the words he gives me, I honour him.

Finding my name on this short list has confirmed that I am being obedient to the calling that he has for my life. It is an amazing feeling to know I’m running the race that he has set before me. When my race is completed I will receive the joy of spending eternity with Jesus. There is no greater award.

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT)

Wisdom From a Song

inspiration, Holy Spirit, tame the tongueThe music that is played during my exercise class fades into the back ground and I’m not consciously aware of it. Occasionally though, a few lyrics demand my attention.

Such was the case recently. Several lines from a song provoked deep thought.
The first words to reach through to me were, “Words are like weapons they wound sometimes.” This was followed by, “I didn’t really mean to hurt you.”

I was reminded how easy it is to use words as weapons. They cut deep and the wounds can last longer than physical ones. I know too well that certain situations can cause these wounds to spring to the surface even many years later. Emotions become raw once again.

Apologies can be made and accepted but the damage of careless words can last a lifetime. In the song Cher sings, “If I could turn back time ….I’d take back all the words that have hurt you.” She was lamenting someone who was no longer part of her life.

Unfortunately, words spoken in haste have the ability to alienate us. Harsh words are like fire; I can’t control or take back the damage they have done.

My intention is not to hurt anyone with my words. In my own strength I have difficulty in taming my tongue. That is why I rely on the Holy Spirit to help me learn self-control. The Spirit reminds me of God’s love so I don’t react in a hurtful manner.

He is the one who enables me to speak gracious words that are sweet to the soul for those hearing them.

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (Proverbs 16:24 NIV)

All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. (James 3:8 NIV)

Go Light Your World

ignite, listening, inspiration

A favourite song of mine has the words, “There is a candle in every soul; some brightly burning, some dark and cold.” It goes on to tell us to take our candles and go light the world.

A recent experience illustrated this in a simple but powerful way.
I arrived for a scheduled a book reading at a senior’s residence to find only two people in attendance. The low number was unusual but the reason behind it soon became clear.

After I read a couple of short stories, one woman tentatively told me that she was a writer. She’d taken courses and written short stories but didn’t have the confidence to share them. The other person drifted out of the room and I had the privilege of giving my full attention to the one remaining.

She told me about the depression she suffered and that some days she couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed. Medical issues were part of this, but deeper were the feelings that she was not making a meaningful contribution to life.

I gave her the gifts of listening and encouragement. By the time I left she was excited about returning to the stories she’d started several years ago and promised to share some with me on my next visit. I gave her a hug and she told me it felt like she had a new friend.

My time had the effect of using my candle to ignite hers. Now she is able to shine. It wasn’t a momentous event and didn’t take much time. My candle is burning brighter as a result. Together our light will brighten the world.

How will you take your candle and go light the world? I’d love to hear your stories.

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16 NIV)

Wise Words

Jesus, inspiration, loveI have an aunt who has played an important role in my life. We now live an eleven hour drive apart which means I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like. Although I keep in touch on a regular basis, it is the face-to-face visits that I miss. These only happen once a year now.

Each visit is precious and I find it difficult when our time together comes to an end. She is approaching her 96th birthday and I am aware that there may not be another opportunity to spend time together.

When I was preparing to leave after a recent visit my aunt left me with some wise words. Looking into my eyes she said, “I hope I see you again, but if I don’t, today was nice.”

What a wonderful reminder to appreciate each moment. When it comes right down to it, I have no guarantee of seeing anyone again. For this reason I need to make the most of the time I spend with others.

Words of love, appreciation and affirmation need to be spoken. I never want to regret the kind words that were left unspoken.

Jesus gave us many examples of unselfish love. I want to follow his way and ensure those I spend time with know how much I value our relationship.

For those of you reading this today I say, “Thank you. I appreciate the support you have shown by following my writings. You are the wind beneath my wings.”

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (Proverbs 16:24 NIV)

“I’m giving you a new commandment: Love each other in the same way that I have loved you. Everyone will know that you are my disciples because of your love for each other.” (John 13:34-35 GWT)

Too Many Voices

Jesus, inspiration,  filter, clearIt was unlike any other team building exercise I’ve been part of.

The objective was to remove an object from the centre of a large circle without stepping into the circle. The resources available for us to use were placed on the ground. The only instructions were that the person handling any of the resources had to be blindfolded and each blindfolded person needed someone with them to be their eyes. Other than that it was up to us.

One of the biggest challenges came when too many people started calling out instructions. The blindfolded person had no idea if it was them being spoken to. Instructions needed to be given very clearly. “Move this way” meant nothing to someone who could not see.

The goal was only achieved after the clear, authoritative voice of one person had everyone working together.

This exercise had many lessons to teach me. The first one was that racing off without a plan is not effective. That one was fairly obvious.

More important was realizing how many voices I can be subject to when setting out to reach my goals. Some are well meaning, but don’t have my answers. Others are negative, saying my goal is unachievable. Not all of these voices are audible. My own negative thoughts and self-doubts are a very large part of this process.

Just as the blindfolded person needed to trust the one with vision that was guiding and keeping them safe, I will benefit from one or two who ‘have my back.’

Too many voices cause confusion. I need to be able to filter out the ones that are not useful. The most important voice of all is the one strong, clear voice that speaks with authority and confidence. For me this is the voice of Jesus. He seems the total picture without hampered vision. He also knows exactly where I need to go and the best way to get there.

When I am in confusion with too many voices giving me advice, I need to stop and call out to Jesus. He will never lead me astray.

My sheep respond to my voice, and I know who they are. They follow me, and I give them eternal life. They will never be lost, and no one will tear them away from me. (John 10:27-28 GWT)


words, actions, affirmation, life-affirming, Jesus, inspirationThe previous day had brought clear blue skies. Although the weather forecast called for more of the same, we were now engulfed in a smoky haze.

Wildfires were burning hundreds of miles from where we live. The smoke had travelled and now covered a vast area.

All indications are that these fires did not result from natural causes. A careless action by an unknown person caused the devastation we’d been hearing about on the new reports. Tongues of fire had consumed the homes of countless families.

Even at this distance, lives were being negatively affected. The smoke haze caused breathing difficulties for those with respiratory problems. Warnings were issued to stay indoors.

All of this serves to remind me that my actions can have far-reaching effects. Thoughtless words can spread like wildfire, causing devastation that reaches farther than I realize. My tongue of fire can result in a haze of hurt for others and regret for myself.

This is something I work hard to control but realize that on my own I will never be able to completely tame my tongue. In order to speak affirmation to others and not wound with my words, I need to constantly bring my thoughts to Jesus. He will provide me with the right heart and attitude so that the words I speak will be life-affirming.

O Lord, set a guard at my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips. (Psalm 141:3 GWT)

Who Can Hear Me?

God, heavenly father, prayers,inspirationAs we walked along the shore we heard the thump, thump of the hull of a small boat coming in contact with the water. Both my husband and I scanned the area in search of the boat. We were amazed when we finally saw it, far from the shore and blending in with the horizon line.

The sound waves obviously carried a much farther distance than we’d realized. We joked that we’d better keep our voices down or people in nearby houses would hear every word we said!

The thought of being overheard is only uncomfortable if I’m saying something I shouldn’t.

Also brought to mind was the fact that my words are always heard by God. He hears much more than the prayers that are directed to him. It gives a different perspective when I realize that God hears me even when I’m not being on my best behavior. Every word that comes from my mouth and the thoughts that precede them are known by my Heavenly Father. When my thoughts are positive and loving, my words will be as well.

The closer I stay to God, the easier this becomes. When my words are directed by God there is no worry about who hears them.

May the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 NIV)

The Coronation that Wasn’t

God, purpose, talents, inspirationMy son-in-law is a busy man. As well as being a husband and father of four active kids at home and one outside the home, he is a fireman / EMT. He also teaches courses in fire safety and is a volunteer on the local fire department.

On his days off he is working on home renovations. Somehow in the middle of all of this he made the time to earn a degree. This weekend is his convocation ceremony as he receives his Bachelor of Applied Business for Emergency Services.

My six year old granddaughter is especially proud of her daddy and is telling people she gets to go to his coronation this weekend! I know he wears a lot of hats, but I’m pretty sure that a crown is not one of them!

Her choice of words made me laugh. I love the way children can twist words and give the situation a whole new meaning.

As I thought about this, I realized how often I have looked at someone with admiration and elevated them to a higher position. They are smarter, wittier, better looking so I feel less than in comparison. In essence I have crowned them with authority and relegated myself to peasant status.

The truth is that God created us all equal. There is no need to feel inferior to anyone else. He has given each of us unique gifting and talents. God created us with a purpose in mind and has planted within us everything we need to fulfill that purpose. My role is to trust that he is able to accomplish his will in my life. I need only put my ego aside and let him work.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14 NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV )

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