Weighed Down

#inspirationThis was the first major snowfall of the season. There had been a few that didn’t leave an accumulation, but this one was different.

I was attending a silent retreat and the blanket of snow seemed to also silence the land.

The sun appeared mid-afternoon, beckoning me to brave the cold and partake of the beautiful surroundings.

The only sound I could hear was the squeak of my boots on the snow. The pristine white surface sparkled with ice crystals looking like millions of pieces of glitter sprinkled before me.#inspiration, #Jesus, nature

I walked toward the evergreens dressed in their winter gowns.

The snow lay thick on the branches and I saw some weighed down by this heavy burden. Not only was this a photo op, it was also an analogy of life.

#inspiration, #jesus, rest
Too much of anything can weigh us down. A little guilt here, a touch of regret there and soon we are tired from our heavy load. We bow to the ground, unable to carry the burden. Without relief, we are in danger of breaking.

Jesus has promised to give us rest when we bring our burdens to him. First, we have to silence the noise in our minds. In the stillness will we be able to discern his voice and allow him to lighten our load.

When the sun shines on the tree branches the snow starts to fall away. In the same way, the Son of Man takes our worries, allowing us to stand straight and tall once again.

“Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 GWT)

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