This Moment

nostalgia, say the wordsNostalgia struck during my morning walk. Golden leaves fell like raindrops as my steps became automatic and my mind turned to people who have played significant roles in my life.

A couple of weeks ago my sister and I were able to have an in-person visit, after not seeing each other for over two years. I wonder when I will see her again.

My one remaining brother lives half-way around the globe. The last time I saw him was when he returned three years ago for our older brother’s celebration of life. Distance makes it impossible to reach out and give him a hug.

Our younger brother left this world far too young. Memories dance through my mind. What I would give to once again hear the chatter and laughter of our family gatherings.

Someone I care for is grieving her son, whose life was snatched away in a tragic accident recently. My heart cries with sorrow for the hope of a future that will never be realized.

It is a fresh reminder that tomorrow is not promised. All we have for certain is this moment. Let’s make the most of it. Tell people you love them, let them know they are valued and hold them tight whenever you have the opportunity.

The words of a song play in the background of my mind as I conclude this post, “Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come, but we have this moment today.”

I Wish . . .

children, wisdomAlthough the temperature was still climbing, my husband and I decided to go for an afternoon walk. The new route we chose rewarded us with some lovely scenery but offered no shade to give relief from the sweltering heat.

Part way through our walk I overheard a snippet of conversation between a dad and his young son. They were standing by their bikes at the side of the path. I guessed the boy was suffering from the heat when he said to his dad, “When it’s summer, I want it to be winter and when it’s winter, I want it to be summer.”

This child had just expressed what many of us, myself included, often think. It is so easy to take life for granted and not appreciate what I have until it’s gone. Only then do I wish I had it back.

Does this sound familiar to you? I wish and  are both thoughts that sabotage my enjoyment of today. Both of them are focused on a time that is in the past or the future. When my mind is occupied with these things, I fail to appreciate what I have right now.

Recently I unearthed a scrap of paper containing part of a song lyric I’d jotted down because of the impact the words had for me. They said, “Yesterday’s gone and tomorrow may never come, but we have this moment today.”

I may need to rewrite this and put it in a prominent place as a reminder to enjoy every moment. Life is too short to wish it away.

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