Finding Your Resources

#inspiration, #God, maturity, harvestI read that Canada is the world’s biggest canola exporter and the second largest wheat exporter. The flat Prairie Provinces produce the majority of these crops.

I drove across much of Alberta and Saskatchewan in the past week and looked upon the numerous fields as a sign of God’s provision.

As the crops grow, the evidence of this is visible. The golden fields of wheat and the bright yellow flowers of the canola crops have a beauty of their own. They also hold a promise that is not redeemed until maturity and harvest.

A little further along I see a field with several oil pumps drilling for treasure that can’t be seen on the surface.

I marvel that in the same fields God has supplied diverse resources, each with a different level of difficulty to harvest.

This is a good analogy of my life. God has provided me with a few skills and talents that are visible on the surface and easy to access. Then there are the buried treasures that have yet to see the light of day. These ones take far more effort to bring to the surface.

What a wonderful reminder that the seeds God plants deep within me can turn into dreams fulfilled if I allow him to work in my life to bring them to maturity. The process can be uncomfortable at times but I know the result will be a harvest greater than I can imagine.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28 NLT)

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