Watch Your Step!

#inspiration, #JesusI had just returned from a walk along a tropical beach. This is not a groomed for tourists beach, but one in its natural state.

For this reason I needed to watch my step. Small fishing boats are held by ropes secured on the shore. The rope may be flat on the sand and not easy to see. The breeze tosses the boat, the rope becomes taught, and if I’m in the process of stepping over it, I may be tripped.

There are also remains of sand bags protruding from the sand. Some are easy to see and others are mostly buried. I have stumbled on the torn edges barely visible above the sand but have also been caught by the ones clearly visible.#inspiration, #Jesus, guide my steps

It’s one thing to be tripped by an obstacle I can’t see and quite another to see the potential problem and still get caught.

I was thinking about being aware of my surroundings and watching my step when I realized this same attitude would serve me well in life. It’s when I become overconfident in my own abilities I tend to trip.

On our walks, my husband often tells me, “Watch your step.” His guidance has helped to keep me from harm.

In my life I rely on Jesus to guide me. He watches my steps. When my attention is elsewhere he catches me when I stumble and sets my feet firmly beneath me once again.

though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. (Psalm 37:24 NIV)

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